Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Catching Up is Hard to Do

We have had a crazy February! We added swim lessons for both girls and it amazes me how adding 2 hours a week of activities changes everything. And, to top it off, I actually had to pull the G-Monkey out of her class. There were some very wild boys and she was the only girl. Pair this with a teacher who didn't seem to be very much in control or even very aware of what the kids were doing and G and I both ended up pretty scared. I decided it was not enough that the teacher had the ability to save my child should anything go wrong but that she should be able to prevent most accidents from happening in the first place! This is the first time I have had to be "That Mom" but as I kept promising G that I wouldn't have her take a class unless I trusted the teacher, I really felt that I had to pull her out when I lost that trust. What would you have done?

The Princess sang at church this month too when the bishop came for confirmation. She did great and I was so proud. It also brought back memories of when I was confirmed. I really like that there is a new policy that the kids be in high school in order to be confirmed. I was in sixth grade and I don't think I knew what it was all about. I just remember that I hated the white dress I had to wear.

This month was also the science fair at the Princess' school. She is in first grade and did a project about clouds. I was really dreading this because both dh and I hated science fairs in school. I should have known though that she would pretty much handle the whole thing on her own. She came up with the subject, did all the reading, decided what project she wanted to do from several we found in books, and everything. She learned a lot and can now predict the weather based on the clouds in the sky. I might be a little annoyed at having another weather buff in the family! I, myself, just like to consult the weather channel!

Well, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. What are you doing for Lent this year? I have decided to give up cussing. I have really developed a potty mouth and am starting to have trouble controlling it around the kids. Wish me well. This is something that I REALLY need to change!

Also, I am now totally addicted to Facebook. So I am making a commitment today to update this blog at least once a week. Hold me to it please! See you next week!