Thursday, June 12, 2008

Economic Thoughts...I had to go there!

I've been having economic thoughts...have you? Here is a little of what I've been thinking about in no particular order. This was brought on by the fact that I spent every last dollar of my weekly grocery budget on Saturday and didn't get everything I needed...seriously, like diapers.

1. I should have planted a larger garden! Our spinach died (it was overtaken by the tomatoes which are flourishing monster tomatoes!) and it now costs close to $4 a bag at the grocery store. Do I try to replant, spend $16/month on spinach or do without fresh spinach in our salads? When you are lucky enough to have kids who love spinach shouldn't you feed it to them?

2. What are people doing that are living in debt or on a fixed income or make minimum wage or don't know how to tighten their belts? This is the first week I've noticed a big difference but I know there are people out there who are really hurting.

3. How bad will it get? Are we talking recession or depression bad? Or just more of the same?

4. What are some things you are doing or planning on doing? I've seen some great ideas while blog hopping such as combiing errands to save gas... I am planning on driving less, buying less, eating out less, being less wasteful, buying in bulk and using my freezer more and cooking more from scratch as it is cheaper and healthier. I tried shopping at the local farmer's market but it was more than the grocery store and when I got it home half of it was rotten.

I would love to hear some ideas of what works for you or see links to helpful sites.

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